Working with scientists at Qatar University, Air2O developed IceCaps™, a revolutionary cooling hard hat combining solar powered and phase change materials. Created initially for workers building the FIFA World Cup Stadiums in Qatar, this innovative product is now available globally where comfort, health and safety are a concern.

IceCaps™ pioneering technology can reduce body temperature
by up to 10 degrees C (18 degrees F).

Body heat without IceCaps™ hat.

Reduction of body heat with cooling hat – IceCaps™ from Air2O

IceCaps™ – How it Works

A fan at the rear of the helmet blows air over a cold pack and onto the person’s face – reducing skin temperature by up to 10 degrees C (18 degrees F).

The helmets can provide cooling in hot temperatures for up to four hours.

The solar powered fan with battery back-up blows cold air down across the person’s face effectively creating a cooler micro-climate for workers.

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Air2O IceCaps

The Next Generation Hybrid Air Conditioning System

When your project calls for the most efficient and environmentally responsible cooling system, Air2O is the world leading next generation hybrid air conditioning system with unparalleled performance and eco credentials.

Give us a call at 1-(602)-699-3766, or request a quote to learn more about how Air2O products can benefit you.