
Air2O energy recovery utilizes a unique technique where the exhaust air is cooled adiabatically which indirectly cools the water to the wet-bulb temperature of the air passing over it. Hence being able to cool the water to very low temperatures and hence being able to cool the fresh air with a minimum temperature reduction of 20oC during peak summer conditions.

Evaporative recovery reduces both sensible and latent load, hence reducing the total load on the 2nd Stage Chilled Water coil to achieve very low supply air temperatures. This allows designers to design with reduced cooling demands and hence promoting Freon free cooling.


It holds advantages such as zero cross contamination as the fresh and exhaust air have separate path for heat-exchange hence no direct contact.

‘The Air2O energy recovery system at Mall of Qatar project was designed to recover the energy from 70% of the return air of the building. Whilst the designed energy recovery expectation was 638kW from 188 m3/sec, in the months with extremely high humidity, the recovered energy was even reaching up to 6% above the designed energy recovery capacity.’ – Teymur Yusifov, Technical Services Engineer

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  • +100% Temperature efficiency (76% enthalpy efficiency)
  • Double wall insulated construction.
  • Integral Automated Control / ACSESS system BACnet optional.
  • Single Point Power Connection, Single Point Water Supply
  • Connection, Single Point Drain Connection.
  • Automatic Water Quality Management System.

Supply Air Section:

  • Intake filters.
  • EC Fans to maximize efficiency.
  • Indirect Cooling Coil & Pump.
  • Direct Evaporative Cooling Pads c/w Stainless sump and circ pump.

Indirect Heat Rejection Section:

  • Evaporative Cooling Pads c/w Stainless sump.
  • Direct drive heat rejection fan.
  • Gas Heating Option Available.

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The Next Generation Hybrid Air Conditioning System

When your project calls for the most efficient and environmentally responsible cooling system, Air2O is the world leading next generation hybrid air conditioning system with unparalleled performance and eco credentials.

Give us a call at 1-(602)-699-3766, or request a quote to learn more about how Air2O products can benefit you.